Mark Whowell

Position: Partner
Email: [email protected]

Mark Whowell is a Partner of Bull, Son & Schmidt, Lawyers.

He joined Bull, Son & Schmidt in 1999 after working in CBD firms for 3 years.  Mark has a wide range of legal experience which is focused on providing practical and effective solutions to any challenges, businesses and their owners may encounter.

He has over 20 years’ experience as a lawyer and during that period has been providing his clients with advice and solutions to their personal and commercial legal issues.  He has represented clients in a variety of Courts including the NSW Local Court, NSW District Court, NSW Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Federal Court, Fair Work Commission and the High Court of Australia.  Mark’s litigation experience (including his ‘Castle’ moment) has taught him that the cost of a legal dispute is not limited to money.  It also involves time, energy and emotion for all involved.

Businesses have a number of obligations to their clients and their staff.  The time a business spends away from its core activities is detrimental for its owners, its staff and its customer base.  Mark has found that providing businesses with practical solutions including policies, procedures and solutions to use in their daily operations is a far better way of providing legal services than dealing with disgruntled employees or customers in a Court room.

His clients include mums and dads, entrepreneurs, importers and exporters, start-ups, business owners, real estate agents, IT developers, software developers, website developers, publishers and small business owners.

He has been involved in community activities for a number of years including helping out at his children’s school events, coaching junior sport and assisting on local sport association committees.  He has also been involved in local community legal advice services, local Law Society committees and has been the President of the North Metropolitan Law Society. 

When he is not in the office, Mark prefers the ‘great outdoors’ whether it is coaching kids sport, catching a wave, crying into his beer as the Waratahs play Rugby or following the Wallabies on their world cup journey.  He can also be found late at night cheering madly for any Australian team from the comfort of his couch!!